Hello World

Cover Image for Hello World

Hello, World.

Welcome to Pedal Powered Dev, the new homepage/blog where I plan to write about my journey in game dev, cycling, and random things worth documenting in life.

Every now and then, I get the itch to revamp my personal site - mostly because tinkering and personalizing stuff is so much fun! It's also a great chance to try out new frameworks and stay up with what's hot in the frontend world. I had lots of fun putting together the previous version of the site @ v1.yian.dev. Cools as it is, with neon lights and an auto-typing terminal effect, it was not the best format to host blog posts and other contents.

With this revision, I decided to go with a monotonic color palette and minimalist design, inspired by the art styles in the game Firewatch (cover image above). Tools like UI Colors made it super easy to generate a set a coherent and beautiful colors to use from any base color you choose. Going with tailwind CSS is also another major departure from how I was used to styling with CSS and a breath of fresh air. Not having to jump between CSS files and your react components is a bliss so far. The mobile-first approach definitely took me some time to get used to and introduced headaches at first, but it really helped me make this site responsive from day 0 rather than building in responsiveness as an after thought.

This marks the v2.0 debut of yian.dev, and I'm super excited about the journey ahead. Pedal on. (Curtesy of Google Gemini)

Hello World